North Riverside, IL Pediatrician

Pediatric Services


Pediatric Services in North Riverside, IL

Pediatric Services

We are parents. We understand that when your child has a cough, fever, sniffles or simply an ouchie, you need someone to be there for you. An unnecessary visit to the emergency room can be a frightening experience and an expensive one. Same day sick visits, texting or calling for questions and advice, and our patient resource links can help you resolve many minor medical issues. FGM Pediatrics understands your needs and we are here to help.

We believe in prevention!  Which is why FGM Pediatrics offers comprehensive exams that are tailored to your child’s specific concern. Our office services include:  

  • Wellness Exams
  • Same-Day Sick Visits
  • Immunizations
  • Newborn Visits 
  • Sports & Schools Physicals
  • Asthma Management
  • ADD/ADHD Management
  • Learning/Developmental..
  • Chronic Conditions
  • Allergies 
  • Acne 
  • Eczema 
  • Swim Lessons
Wellness Exams
Wellness exams for children

Pediatric Services

Wellness Exams

Wellness exams are the most common type of physician appointment and serve to monitor growth, development, and any chronic conditions that require maintenance. Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development are checked to determine if additional testing is required for possible problems.

Physical well-checks are useful in more than just monitoring development and growth. Preventable injuries and illnesses can be detected during routine office check-ups. Parents are also offered education on many different aspects of parenthood, including car seat safety, sleep schedules, bed-wetting problems, potty-training advice, and much more.

Adolescent patients also benefit from professional education and advice on puberty, sexual behaviors, and mental health concerns, if needed. Teens are forced to cope with many social issues and sometimes prefer to talk to someone outside the family to be able to process feelings.

Same-Day Sick Visits
Sick day services in north riverside, IL

Pediatric Services in north riverside

Same-Day Sick Visits

The worst part of having a sick child is not being able to make them feel better. As a parent, you want to help them. Not being able to get a doctor's appointment for two or three days is frustrating.

FGM Pediatrics offers same-day sick visits for their patients. Our schedule is left flexible every day for sudden illnesses or injuries. We are available to help make happy and healthy children.

Emergency room visits are very long and come with excessive co-pays and deductibles. Avoiding the ER lines and calling for a same-day visit is a more economical and faster path to your child feeling better.

Many conditions are considered urgent enough for a same-day visit:

• Asthma attacks.

• Flu or cold symptoms.

• Strep throat.

• Fever.

• Ear infections.

• Diarrhea.

• Scabies.

• Chickenpox .

• Head lice.

We are also available to treat broken bones or minor cuts.

Children immunizations

Pediatric Services in North Riverside


Immunizations allow children in the United States to lead healthier lives. Diseases of the past that can lead to disability and death are preventable now due to the advances of modern medicine and immunizations. Immunizations are delivered on a schedule starting in newborns.

• 2 weeks

• 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 36 months

• 4 years, 6 years, 11 years, & 16 years.

Proper immunizations are the cornerstone of pediatric healthcare. Children are not exposed to the dangerous infections in the 21st century like they were in the distant past. Unfortunately, since parents have not had to face the devastating effects of those infections, parts of society have developed a false sense of security with unvaccinated children. The longer vaccinations are ignored in a wider population, the more infections will slowly begin to return.

Immunizations are administered in various combinations for specific infections and diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, and polio. Immunizations are also available for the flu, pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis-A, and hepatitis-B.

Newborn Visits 
Newborn care in North Riverside, IL

North Riverside Pediatric Services

Newborn Visits

The doctors at FGM Pediatrics see children from birth through the age of 21. Newborn children begin their relationship with the pediatrician right after birth. The parent's choice of a pediatrician is made before the baby is born.

The newborn phase of life is from birth to approximately two months of age. Newborn visits during that time are important to establish a baseline for health and development. These check-ups chart milestones and provide the parents opportunities to discuss problems with the pediatrician. Feeding difficulties, fussiness, sleeping disturbances, and setting routines are common topics for new parents. Problems that arise when taking care of a new baby may seem very unique but it would be rare that these problems have not been experienced by other new parents.

Newborn visits are medical check-ups and often called well-baby visits. The purpose of these visits is to monitor development and growth to ensure normal progression. Regular milestones are charted – lifting up the head, rolling over, and sitting up. Other milestones are also charted as the baby grows out of the newborn stage – crawling, walking, talking, eating solid foods.

Milestones are met on an average timeline. Not every baby develops exactly the same as others, but the average times are usually close. When milestones do not happen in that average time, the lack of progress can denote possible problems that can be further tested and followed up. The charted milestones are extremely important in finding problems early that lead to more effective treatments.

Sports & Schools Physicals
sports physician for kids

North Riverside, IL Pediatrics

Sports & Schools Physicals

If your child has played in any sports at school, you are familiar with the sports physical. This physical examination is not the same as an annual examination. It is designed to identify any existing or potential injuries to determine if it is safe for the athlete to perform and to avoid unwanted interruptions in the sports season. Sports physicals are recommended for both children and adults each year before beginning a new season.

A sports physical is more than just checking blood pressure and pulse. The entire body is examined to identify orthopedic that could make the player more prone to injuries as well as looking for evidence of medical problems such as respiratory or heart conditions that may interfere with overall health. A complete family history is vital to investigating potential medical conditions. Undiscovered heart conditions have become apparent during some routine sports physicals, leading to appropriate treatment and precautions. Vision is also included in the examination.

Annual sports physicals can also be required for such activities as summer camps. The events scheduled for summer camp require lots of physical exertion -- horseback riding, swimming, and hiking, to name a few.

Asthma Management
Children Asthma Medicine in Illinois

Pediatrician in North Riverside, IL

Asthma Management

Asthma creates many conditions and symptoms that interfere with daily life. It is complex and chronic and can seriously limit a child’s activity. Asthma narrows the airways and restricts breathing by preventing effective air movement.

Asthma patients also frequently suffer from allergies, causing asthma symptoms to worsen. Not only does the patient try to avoid asthma triggers but also allergen triggers. Dust, pet dander, and pollen can all lead to an asthma attack.

Frequent asthma flares require a higher level of care and more office visits to treat exacerbated symptoms.

• Frequent viral infections, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Gastrointestinal reflux disease, Dysfunctional breathing.

FGM Pediatrics offers asthma management to reduce aggravating or even dangerous exacerbations. Allergy testing will likely be required to determine the allergen triggers the patient is dealing with. Medication is typically used to control allergy and asthma symptoms together to prevent one from triggering the other. Food allergies are also dangerous for high-risk pediatric asthma patients.

The facilities at FGM Pediatrics are equipped to handle testing for allergies and asthma. After determining the severity of the asthma, we can develop an effective treatment plan for your child to make life more comfortable and active. Medications are monitored and adjusted to reduce or eliminate any annoying side effects.

ADD/ADHD Management
ADHD Management

Pediatric Services in Illinois

ADD/ADHD Management

ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) produce many combinations of symptoms that interfere with activities of daily living.

• Sleep disorders.

• Depression.

• Anxiety .

• Different levels of learning disabilities.

ADHD is difficult to diagnose. Blood tests and aptitude tests are not sufficient to reach a conclusion. Underlying conditions can be exacerbating ADHD symptoms, and these must be pinpointed to provide appropriate treatment.

When ADHD is suspected, it is important to receive input from parents and teachers about behaviors in different settings. The physician is guided by the standard criteria of the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual during ADHD determinations.

Treatment plans for ADHD depend on the age of the child. When a diagnosis is made before the age of six, parent education and behavior management techniques are recommended before any medication is given. This education and management will differ for children under the age of six, from six to 12, and adolescents over 12. Depending on the success of counseling and the severity of the ADHD, medication is typically prescribed for children over the age of 6. School support and behavioral intervention inside the classroom may also be suggested.

Learning disabilitiy screenings in north riverside, IL

Pediatric Services in NORTH RIVERSIDE

Learning/Developmental Disability Screenings

Parents should be reminded that developmental delays and behavior problems can be assessed by their pediatrician. FGM Pediatrics offers guidance, diagnosis, and treatment of issues in these areas.

Extreme cases may need counseling by a behavioral specialist, but our pediatricians are here to help in other instances. Disability screenings will begin with:

• Medical examination.

• Detailed medical and family history.

• Observations in social situations.

• Feedback from daycare or teachers.

Dealing with learning or developmental delays can be stressful. Screening for these problems includes trying to understand the family dynamic and how these problems affect the whole family. Treatment begins with home life and the school environment to provide continuity and enhance the overall effect.

Diagnosis includes investigating looking at many possible factors that can affect a disability such as this or contribute to it:

• Signs of autism.

• Delayed speech, language, and motor skills.

• ADHD symptoms.

• Nonverbal learning disabilities.

• Perform issues at school.

• Anxiety or depression.

Using all the information gathered, a specific diagnosis can be made and a treatment plan developed. Possible medical treatment of any underlying medical conditions may be needed (such as anxiety or ADHD) and can be included in the overall therapy prescribed.

Chronic Conditions
Children with Depression

Illinois Pediatric Services

Chronic Conditions

Chronic Illnesses can include:

• Asthma

• Allergies

• Diabetes


• Depression

• Anxiety

• Cystic fibrosis

• Congenital heart disease

Chronic physical disabilities can include:

• Cerebral palsy

• Visual or hearing impairment

• Meningomyelocele

• Loss of limb function

Children with chronic health conditions or physical disabilities face increased medical treatments, outpatient visits, and hospitalizations to deal with frequent pain and discomfort, abnormal development and growth, and limited physical activity. Children dealing with these conditions are often unable to participate in regular school and peer activities.

A child’s response to the diagnosis of a medical condition and treatments for that condition depends largely on their age when the condition develops. Conditions that develop during infancy will cause a different response than ones that develop during adolescence. School-aged children may find it hard to develop peer relationships when their ability to attend school and other functions is diminished. Adolescents tend to struggle if their ability to develop independence is stifled while dealing with medical issues.

child allergies near me

Pediatric Services in North Riverside


Allergies are miserable. It has to be just as miserable or even more for a child to deal with this chronic condition. Allergens (allergy triggers) can include a wide range of environmental factors – pet dander, dust, pollen, or even foods. Food allergens are especially concerning for children who also suffer from asthma.

FGM Pediatrics identifies specific allergies before developing a treatment plan to manage allergic triggers. Medication is used to control allergies and sometimes asthma if identified as a tandem chronic problem feeding off of allergy symptoms. Controlling both separately is a proven technique is reducing the opportunity for them to exacerbate one another.

Chronic allergy flares are known to lead to repeated viral infections which increase the need for doctor visits and extra medications to treat the symptoms.

Allergy management at FGM Pediatrics includes an effective treatment plan as well as extra treatments when needed to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, GERD, respiratory tract infections, and episodes of dysfunctional breathing. Some treatments may include scheduled allergy shots to build up an immunity in the body to prevent symptoms from being so severe when exposed to a particular allergen.

children acne treatment in North Riverside, IL

North Riverside, IL Pediatrician


FGM Pediatrics has acne treatment available to help minimize scarring and improve the appearance of the skin. A treatment plan is determined based on several different factors:

• Age, medical history, and overall health of the patient.

• Severity of the acne.

• Allergies or tolerance of specific therapies.

• Patient expectations.

• Parental opinion or preference.

Topical (applied to the skin) or systematic drug (pill) therapy may be used or a combination of both. Several topical applications are available in gels, lotions, creams, or other solutions. Benzoyl peroxide is used to kill bacteria. Antibiotics stop or slow down the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Other medications decrease acne formations. Systematic therapy for moderate-to-severe acne includes doxycycline, erythromycin, or tetracycline.

children with eczema

Pediatrician in North Riverside, IL


Eczema is referred to as atopic dermatitis. It is a very common skin condition. Approximately 15% to 20% of children deal with eczema. It often begins in infancy, and children with eczema are more prone to developing chronic diseases. Allergies are thought to be the driving force in eczema, although it is not certain. If the allergy can be identified, it rarely helps in dealing with the rash episodes. Dust mites, pollen, grass, pets, and food allergies have been linked with eczema.

Eczema is a form of sensitive skin that is possibly easier to irritate. Sweat, heat, soaps, and detergents, as well as rough clothing, are typically huge culprits in eczema outbreaks.

Eczema produces dry, itchy, red patches on the skin. The inflammation and itching can be severe and constant. Children have a hard time not scratching when they are so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the scratching will lead to sores, crusting, oozing, and blisters that can develop an infection. Prolonged scratching (weeks or months) can lead to rough, leathery skin patches that become darker in color.

Severe outbreaks of eczema can involve the entire body of a child, but it is commonly found on the elbows and backs of knees in older children and on the face, scalp, arms, and legs of infants.

Eczema cannot be cured. It can only be controlled with good skincare. Any treatment plan for eczema involves frequent follow-up visits to monitor any progress and efficacy of medications. Adjustments may need to be made during certain seasons or as the child gets older.

Swim Lessons
children with eczema

Your North Riverside Pediatrician

We want to meet you!

Families come to FGM Pediatrics for care built on trust and experience. Our practice is focused on listening with compassion and shared
